Web Toolbar by Wibiya Data Stat: Uses And Gratifications Theory By Elihu Katz (1959) (Teori Penggunaan dan Gratifikasi)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Uses And Gratifications Theory By Elihu Katz (1959) (Teori Penggunaan dan Gratifikasi)

Uses and gratifications theory was first stated by Elihu Katz (1959) as a reaction to Bernand Berelson stating that research on the effects of mass media communication is considered to be dead. who began the study of life is an attempt to answer the question "what do people do with the media?" because the use of the media is one way to meet the needs, then the effect of the media is now defined as a situation when need satisfaction is achieved. 

Uses and gratifications theory is not interested in what the media does to themselves but are interested in what people do to the media.....
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