Web Toolbar by Wibiya Data Stat: The Cognitive Argument Theory By Dale Hample (Teori Kognitif Argument oleh Dale Hample)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Cognitive Argument Theory By Dale Hample (Teori Kognitif Argument oleh Dale Hample)

Dale Hample is a professor of communications from Western Illinois University. She earned her Ph.D. in 1975 at the same university where he works now, by making the dissertation entitled "an empirical study of the value argument." Dale hample argument shows that there is a third form, called a cognitive argumentation. He refers to this form as the basis of the previous arguments.

The argument itself is a cognitive mental processes involved in evaluating beliefs. Cognitive argument is internal, private and public manifestations precede each of the arguments. This theory organizes information in three ways: .........
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